The above Arabic word means “halal”. A halal product or service is deemed “lawful” and appropriate under the Islamic law for consumption or use.
The Halal Industry
The global halal industry is an USD2.1 trillion industry of which, nearly USD667 billion is from halal food consumption, catering to the needs of nearly 2 billion Muslims around the world. It is an industry that is growing year on year, with the ever increasing affluence of the Muslim population.
Contrary to general perception, especially by the non-Muslim communities, halal does not only refer to meat or food preparation.
In general, when a product or item is deemed "Halal", what it basically means is that the process by which that item is produced or prepared was done in accordance to the Islamic law.
Halal products and services include :
- Food and Beverages
- Pharmaceutical Products
- Herbal and Health Supplements
Non Consumables
- Cosmetics and Body Care
- Leather Goods
- Transport and Logistics
- Clothing
Islamic Finance and Insurance
- Banking and Investments
- Insurance (Takaful)
- Wills (Hibah)
The halal industry is beyond borders and beyond food !
Products & Services considered ‘halal’ are provided with certification from the appropriate authorities, such as:
· JAKIM (Malaysia) - Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Ministry of Religious Affairs)
· CIBAL (Brazil) – The Central Islamic Brazilian Halal Food Centre
· SANHA (South Africa) - South African National Halal Authority
· MUIS (Singapore) - Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore)